June 19-22, 2022
Happy Valley Adventure Bureau
Wyndham Garden, State College, PA
PBA’s Annual Conference scheduled for June 19-22, 2022 offers something for everyone!
Registration closed 6/3/22.
After registering, please help us spread the word by sharing this image on your social media channels using the hashtags #PBAannualconference2022 #PBArollsinto100 #happyvalleypa #pabus
Industry Expo With a TWIST!
This is an opportunity for bus manufacturers and all vendors serving the motorcoach industry to have one-on-one time with PBA Operator members at the Operator's table to "talk shop" in a speed-dating format. With a variety of networking opportunities at the annual meeting, any associate member can continue that networking during the evening events, hospitality suites, etc. Note, Operator and Associate Members must register for this event for table space and format organization.
Destination Happy Valley!
Our host has put together four fun FAMS for you to experience what puts the "happy" in Happy Valley.
We will honor the Employee and Driver of Distinction Award winners and we will kick-off our 100th Anniversary, happening in 2023!
Kick-the-Tires Happy Hour (and Bus Display)
Visit with bus manufacturers to learn what's new in their models while enjoying a cold beverage!
Take You Out to the Ballgame
Enjoy all the sights, sounds and good eats of a ballpark on a summer evening while you cheer on the State College Spikes!
Grand Opening
We will be at Penn State's Beaver Stadium for our opening reception, where we will kick-off PBA's yearlong 100th Anniversary! #PBArollsinto100
Sales Retreat
This event provides unlimited business opportunities between PBA’s motorcoach operator members and travel suppliers at the annual meeting! The operators have a table and the travel suppliers will be divided into group A and B so that everyone has time to visit with the operators without standing in line and waiting. Everyone will have 6 minute visits at motorcoach operator tables. There is plenty of time to visit all the operators so that you can talk about your property, attraction, venue, etc. Note, Operator and Travel Supplier Members must register for this event for table space and format organization.
Get Inspired!
Our keynote speaker, Johnny Quinn (USA Olympian Bobsledder), along with other speakers, will inspire you, and give you tools you need in today's challenging business environment.
Get Updates on the Latest Industry News
Leaders in our industry will have the latest information on bus and motorcoach legislative concerns and transportation regulatory information for you.
Golf Anyone?
If interested in golf on Wednesday morning, Mountain View Country Club is next door to the Wyndham and is providing golf for $49/pp (including golf cart).
If that isn't enough, we have a morning of GOAT YOGA planned! You don't want to miss this!
Click here to view the full speaker lineup and checkout the schedule below:
SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2022 |
11:00 am – 5:00 pm |
PBA Registration Booth Open (Wyndham Garden State College Downstairs Lobby) sponsored by Sackett Cook & Associates / TIB |
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm |
FAMS: If registering for a FAM, please choose only 1 on the registration form, as they run concurrently.
#1 BELLEFONTE: Historic Time, Museums, Antique & Boutique Shopping, Axemann Brewery;
#2 BOALSBURG: Boal Mansion, Columbus Chapel, PA Military Museum, Memorial Day Memorial, University Wine Company |
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm |
Opening Reception - Beaver Stadium at Penn State
(Buses depart 5:45 PM) |
9:00 pm – 11:00 pm |
Hospitality Suite (Fireside Room) sponsored by Atlantic City/Tour AC |
MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2022 |
8:00 am – 5:00 pm |
PBA Registration Booth Open (Wyndham Garden State College Downstairs Lobby) sponsored by Sackett Cook & Associates / TIB |
6:30 am – 8:30 am |
Breakfast (Grill Room) Complimentary for Wyndham Garden Hotel Guests |
9:00 am – 9:30 am |
Opening Session-Happy Valley Adventure Bureau (Garden Ballroom)
- Dave Gerdes, VP of Sales & Marketing, Happy Valley Adventure Bureau
- Joe Battista, Speaker & Coach, Owner of Pragmatic Passion Consulting/Author |
9:30 am – 10:00 am |
PBA General Membership Meeting (Garden Ballroom) sponsored by National Interstate |
10:00 am – 10:45 am |
National Industry Association Updates (Garden Ballroom) sponsored by National Comedy Center/Lucy Desi Museum
- Peter Pantuso, President, American Bus Association
10:45 am - 11:30 am |
Itinerary Planning (Garden Ballroom)
- Lois Stoltzfus, Dutchman Group Hospitality
Note; if you attended Lois’ Tourism Tactics for Successful Motorcoach Marketing seminar during Marketplace, this is a great follow-up! Leave the session with a great itinerary that you will help build with the help of other partners from your area.
11:45 am – 12:45 pm |
Industry Exposition (Mountain View Ballroom) sponsored by Lancer Insurance Company
- Note; this year Operators will have the tables and will visit with Vendor Suppliers to "talk shop". |
12:45 pm – 1:45 pm |
Lunch (Garden Ballroom) sponsored by Lancer Insurance Company |
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm |
“Why Your Story Matters” (Garden Ballroom)
- Jonathan Stanley, Chief Experience Officer, Listen Technologies |
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm |
“Kick the Tires” Happy Hour with Bus Display (Outside) sponsored by MCI |
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm |
Dine Around /Neighborhood Night (View options) |
TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2022 |
6:30 am - 8:30 am |
Breakfast (Grill Room) Complimentary for Wyndham Garden Hotel Guests |
8:00 am – 9:15 am |
PBA Board of Directors Meeting (Mountain View West) sponsored by ABC Companies |
9:15 am - 11:00 am
9:15 am – 10:00 am |
Industry Updates sponsored by Irizar USA
PA Tourism Update (Garden Ballroom)
- Michael Chapaloney, Executive Director Tourism PA Dept of Community & Economic Development |
10:00 am – 10:30 am |
FMCSA Updates (Garden Ballroom)
- Tim Cotter, Pennsylvania Division FMCSA |
10:30 am – 11:00 am |
State of Financing in the Motorcoach Industry (Garden Ballroom)
- Dave Johnson, Regional Finance Manager of Motor Coach Industries (MCI)
11:15 am – 12:15 pm |
Keynote Speaker (Garden Ballroom) sponsored by Chautauqua County Visitors Bureau
- Johnny Quinn, U.S. Olympian Bobsled |
12:30 pm – 1:15 pm |
Award Luncheon (Garden Ballroom) sponsored by Ohio Star Theatre |
1:30 pm – 3:15 pm |
Sales Retreat Group A (Mountain View Ballroom) sponsored by Happy Valley Adventure Bureau |
3:30 pm – 5:15 pm |
Sales Retreat Group B (Mountain View Ballroom) |
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm |
Closing Event – State College Spike’s Baseball at Medlar Field at Lubrano Park. Group Photo with Buses! Note: buses will leave at 5:30PM from the Wyndham Garden and buses will be returning at 8:30 and again after the game ends. |
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2022 |
6:30 am - 8:30 am |
Breakfast (Grill Room) Complimentary for Wyndham Garden Hotel Guests |
Options: |
If registering for a FAM, please choose only 1 on the registration form, as they run concurrently. |
8:00 AM |
Goat Yoga - Nittany Meadow Farms |
9:00 AM |
Golf - Mountain View Country Club |
10:00 AM |
#1 PENN’s CAVE: Visit a Happy Valley treasure, Mt. Nittany Vineyard & Winery;
#2 PENN STATE: Arboretum, Campus Tour, Nittany Lion Statue, We Are Sculpture, Creamery |
SOLD OUT! Special hotel rates are being provided by Wyndham Garden State College.
To reserve your hotel room at our special discounted rate at Wyndham Garden State College of $119.00/night:
Room Reservations: (814) 466-2255
Special Hotel Rates End: 5/19/22
Contact the Below Hotels for Overflow Rooms (as of 5/20/22).
10 rooms at Graduate Hotel
125 S Atherton
State College PA 16801
Call and ask for PA Bus Assoc.
Rate is $119.00
Release is June 6th
10 rooms at The Ramada
1450 S Atherton
State College PA
Call ask for PA Bus Assoc
Rate is $95.00
Release date June 6th
Sponsorship opportunities are available to our Associate and Travel Supplier members via the registration form.. This opportunity provides additional exposure of a company's products and services to our operators.
- Diamond: Includes 2 meeting registrations, Logo with prominent location on Email Blasts/Website/Social Media exposure, Prominent Poster Recognition with logo, Top listing on Sponsor Page in Program Listing, Publication Promotion, Full-page Color Ad, Podium Time at event.
- Platinum: Includes 1 meeting registration, Email Blasts/Website/Social Media exposure, Poster Recognition, Program Listing, Publication Promotion, Full-page Color Ad, Podium Time at sponsored event.
- Gold: Email Blasts/Website/Social Media exposure, Poster Recognition, Program Listing, Publication Promotion, 1/2-page ad
- Silver: Email Blasts/Website/Social Media exposure, Poster Recognition, Program Listing, Publication Promotion, 1/4-page page ad. Name Badges w/Lanyard sponsorship receives 1/2-page ad.
We want your organization to get the best representation in our PBA Annual Meeting program. We have outlined the specifications for logos, photos, graphics and copy needed to ensure they look their ultimate best. View the Advertising Guidelines. The deadline to submit your ad/artwork is May 13, 2022.